Sediment found in wine can be caused by a number of factors; the most common of which would be age. Given this, we would appreciate knowing the date of bottling which can be found on the outside of the box in which it was shipped. If these wines, particularly red wines, sit too long in the bottle there is a tendency for the wine to settle and solids can gather at the bottom of the bottle. Another possibility would be that the wine has been held in a storage location in which the temperature was quite warm for an extended period. This can cause the wine to break down and any particles would settle at the bottom as well. It is very important that you “rotate” your wine inventory on a first-in, first-out basis.
Mont LaSalle Altar Wines are produced in accordance to Canon Law, and approved for Sacramental use through the Approbation of The Office of the Bishop for the respective dioceses in which it is made.
There is no gluten or wheat product(s) present in Mont La Salle Altar Wines.
We cannot make any potential health claim as it relates to our altar wine and your general health. You are encouraged to consult with your personal physician on the acceptability of alcohol-related products based on your specific personal needs. Mont La Salle does have available a non-alcohol Grape Juice product (Mustum) that has been approved by the National Clergy Council for sacramental use. There are no unnatural additives to Mont La Salle Altar Wines.
Depending on the type of wine you use and whether it is above 14% in alcohol content or below, the shelf life can range anywhere from 12 months to beyond 36 months. Optimum storage recommendations call for storing the wine in a cool, dry location without being subject to significant swings in temperature. If this type of storage is maintained, you can be assured of quality product until consumed. A consumer can always determine if wine is not consumable prior to drinking as there will be a significant change in color and odor.
Yes, our Mustum Grape Juice does contain trace amounts of alcohol, ranging from 0.01% to 0.049%.