Not all states have a distributor. Due to this fact, you must contact us directly to determine if there is another possible distributor that can address your altar wine needs. Where possible, and if there is no conflict with an existing distributor relationship, we may be able to ship to you direct (where allowed by state law). Please be advised that not all states allow direct sales to consumers (churches).
Contact us toll-free 1.800.447.8466, or email us at lyz@vintnersaccounting.com should you wish further information on how to purchase Mont La Salle Altar Wines, Napa Valley Specialty Wines.
DiCarlo Religious Supply Centre
14 Racine Road
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M9W 2Z3
Phone: 416.744.7404
Fax: 416.744.4007
Email: info@dicarlo.co
Contact: Sal DiCarlo
Toll-free 1.800.208.9452
Hamilton Retail Location:
1070 Main St W.
Hamilton Ontario, Canada
L8S 1A2
Phone: 905.549.2227
La Procure Ecclesiastique
Quebec G1N 2E7
Phone: 800-463-5604
Fax 418.694.9238
Contact: Mr. Jacques Laroche
Mendez & Company
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00936
Phone: 787.793.8888
Fax: 787.783.9498
Contact: Ms. Carmen Cortez, sales
St. Andrews Book,
Gift & Church Supply
305 W. 8th Ave.
Vancouver, British Columbia V5Y 1N6
Phone: 1-800-663-7161 (North America only)
Phone: 604.875.1441
Fax: 604.875.1933
Email: marg@standrewschurchsupply.com
Contact: Ms. Marguerite Rocheleau
Universal Church Supplies
Edmonton, Alberta
Phone: 780.429.3153
Email: admin@universalchurchsupplies.ca
Contact: Mr. Curtis Stang
Universal Church Supplies
437 – 2nd Ave. North
Saskatoon, SK, S7K2C1
Phone: 1-888-316-8648
Phone: 306-384-1924
Email: info@ucssask.com
LaProcure IBA —
Institutional Buying Agency
501B Weston Street
Winnipeg, MB R3E 3H4
Phone: 204-237-8931
Fax: 204-237-4501
Email: iba.procure@mts.net
Catholic Art & Gifts – F.C. Ziegler Co.
6184 Florida Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Contact: Jesse Barrow
Phone 225.802.3371
Cotter Church Supplies, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Phone: (844) 268-8377
Fax: 213.385.7206
Contact: Tim or Mike Cotter
Also Servicing CA & HI
Kaufer Religious Supplies
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: 206.622.3100
Fax: 206.622.7806
Contact: Mr. Jim Sinclair
Also servicing HI, MT & WA
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: sales@reillyschurchsup.com
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing CA, ID, MT, OR, UT, WA, WY
Kings House - F.C. Ziegler Co.
7460 East McDowell Road
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
Fax: 559.243.9271
Contact: Brenden Page
Phone 480.258.7712
Authentic Light
Fresno, CA 93722
Phone: 559.243.9219
Fax: 559.243.9271
Contact: Mr. Robert Stack
Will confirm delivery date upon
order placement.
Cotter Church Supplies, Inc.
Fresno, CA 93703
Phone: (844) 268-8377
Fax: 559.225.7373
Contact: Mike or Tim Cotter
Cotter Church Supplies, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Phone: (844) 268-8377
Fax: 213.385.7206
Contact: Mike or Tim Cotter
Also servicing AK & HI
Cotter Church Supplies, Inc.
S. San Francisco, CA 94124
Phone: (844) 268-8377
Email: ssf@cotters.com
Contact: Mike or Tim Cotter
Miracle on Main
Stockton, CA 95205
Phone: 209.462.4088
Email: Churchsupplyusa@gmail.com
Contact: Gary King
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: sales@reillyschurchsup.com
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing AK, ID, MT, OR, UT,
Gerken’s Church Supply
Denver, CO 80214
Phone: 800-437-5367 (1-800-GERKENS)
Phone: 303.534.8233
Fax: 303.534.5189
Contact: Mr. Ray Gerken
Also Servicing UT & WY
Patrick Baker & Sons
Southington, CT 06489
Phone: 860.628.5566
Phone: 800-243-6385
Fax: 860.276-9438
Email: easyorder@PatrickBaker.com
Contact: Mary Threlkeld, Maureen Kelly
Coverage: Most of Northeast
Andrew Lane Co., Inc
Peabody, MA 01960
Phone: 978.532.2050
Fax: 978.532.3607
Email: sales@andrewlane.com
Contact: Andy Lane
Also Servicing MA, ME, NH & VT
Moroney’s Religious Art, Inc.
A FC Ziegler Company
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304
Phone: 954.463.6211
Fax: 954.463.3684
Email: Dyanna@moroneys.com
Choice Brands
Atlanta, GA 30340-1116
Phone: 770.455.9177
Contact: Mr. Bob Orkand
Cotter Church Supplies, Inc.
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Phone: (844) 268-8377
Fax: 213.385.7206
Contact: Tim or Mike Cotter
Also servicing AK & CA
Kaufer Religious Supplies
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: 206.622.3100
Fax: 206.622.7806
Contact: Mr. Jim Sinclair
Also servicing AK, MT, WA,
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: sales@reillyschurchsup.com
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing AK, CA, MT, OR,
National Church Suppliers
15165 Sarginson Lane
Chesterfield, IL 62630
Phone: 618.753.3104
Fax: 618.753.3496
Contact: Mr. Jim Lauwerens
Wheaton Religious Gift
& Church Supply
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: 800-837-4974
Fax: 630-384-1101
Email: phil@churchsupplywarehouse.com
Contact: Phil Taschetta
Boric Religious Supply
10951 Thiel Street 45247
St. John, IN 46373 45247
Phone: 219.365.4386
Fax: 219.365.6916
Email: boric@boricreligious.com
Trinity Church Supply
Cincinnati, OH 45247
Phone: 513.471.6626
Fax: 513.471.6091
Email: customerservice@trinitychurchsupply.com
Contact: Robert Klopp
Also Servicing OH & KY
Wheaton Religious Gift
& Church Supply
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: 800-837-4974
Fax: 630-384-1101
Email: phil@churchsupplywarehouse.com
Contact: Phil Taschetta
Benedictus Bookstore
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859.278.0881
Fax: 859.278.0426
Email: Benedictus@cdlex.org
Contact: Patrick O’Mahoney
Tonini Church Supplies
Louisville, KY 40207
Phone: 502.897.7100
Fax: 502.897.7190
Email: michael@tonini.net
Contact: Michael Tonini
Trinity Church Supply
Cincinnati, OH 45247
Phone: 513.471.6626
Fax: 513.471.6091
Email: customerservice@trinitychurchsupply.
Contact: Robert Klopp
Also Servicing OH & KY
Catholic Art & Gifts – F.C. Ziegler Co.
6184 Florida Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Contact: Jesse Barrow
Phone 225.802.3371
Andrew Lane Co., Inc
Peabody, MA 01960
Phone: 978.532.2050
Fax: 978.532.3607
Email: sales@andrewlane.com
Contact: Andy Lane
Also Servicing CT, MA, NH, & VT
Grant T. Orr
Phone: 800.371.0409
Contact: Mr. Grant Orr
Andrew Lane Co., Inc.
Peabody, MA 01960
Phone: 978.532.2050
Fax: 978.532.3607
Email: sales@andrewlane.com
Contact: Andy Lane
Also Servicing CT, ME, NH, & VT
Comeau Butler Wines
(A Patrick Baker & Sons Company)
Phone: 800-498-9669
Phone: 508-865-8079
Fax: 860-276-9438
Email: easyorder@PatrickBaker.com
Contact: Mary Threlkeld, Maureen Kelly
Coverage: Most of the Northeast
AM Church Supply MI
Phone: 248-589-0200
Email: Mkloppfuchs@gmail.com
Contact: Matt Klopp
Also via Fuch’s Church Goods
H.J. Boerboom & Associates
Bloomington MN 55431
Phone: 952-854-4407
Email: Hjboerboom@gmail.com
Contact: Ryan & Jessica Boerboom
St. Patrick’s Guild
St. Paul, MN 55105
Phone: 651.690.1506
Fax: 651.696.5130
Contact: Mr. Mark DePalma
Contact: Mr. Tim Doran
Catholic Art & Gifts – F.C. Ziegler Co.
6184 Florida Blvd
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Contact: Jesse Barrow
Phone 225.802.3371
Blessings of St. Joseph
St. Joseph, MO
Phone: 816.676.2537
Email: blessingsofsj@sbcglobal.net
Contact: Mike or Joileen Aberer
Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc.
6759 Chippewa Street
(at Jamieson, across from Ted Drewes)
Saint Louis, MO 63109
Phone: 314.644.0643
Fax: 314.644.0832
Contact: Mr. Dean Stutte
I. Donnelly Co., Inc.
6601 Troost Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64131
Phone: 816.363.2828
Fax: 816.363.1283
Email: orders@idonnelly.com
Contact: Mike or Susan Becker
Montana Liquor Control Division
Helena, MT 59602
Phone: 406.444.4003
Contact: Mr. Jamie Williams
Limited distribution in state stores.
Phone: 406.541.3900
Fax: 406.721.3973
Summit Beverage
Missoula, MT
Phone: 406.541.3900
Fax: 406.721.3973
Contact: Dan Haney
12% wine offerings only.
For 18%, please contact Montana Liquor Control Board
Kaufer Religious Supplies
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: 206.622.3100
Fax: 206.622.7806
Contact: Mr. Jim Sinclair
Also servicing AK, HI & WA
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: sales@reillyschurchsup.com
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing AK, CA, ID, OR, UT, WA, WY
Cosgrave Company
Omaha, NE 68127
Phone: 402.593.8000
Fax: 402.593.9954
Contact: Tom or Kathy Koley
Gloria Deo, Inc.
Lincoln, NE 68516
Phone: 402.420.1830
Fax: 402.420.1846
Contact: Mr. Tim Brox
Andrew Lane Co., Inc.
Peabody, MA 01960
Phone: 978.532.2050
Fax: 978.532.3607
Email: sales@andrewlane.com
Contact: Andy Lane
Also Servicing CT, MA, ME, & VT
Patrick Baker & Sons
Southington, CT 06489
Phone: 860.628.5566
Phone: 800-243-6385
Fax: 860.276-9438
Email: easyorder@PatrickBaker.com
Contact: Mary Threlkeld, Maureen Kelly
Coverage: Most of Northeast
Grant T. Orr
Phone: 1.800.371.0409
Contact: Mr. Grant Orr
Laurence Candle Co.
Spring Lake, NJ 07762
Phone: 1.800.722.6353
Email: info@ryanchurchsupplies.com
Contact: Mr. Peter Ryan
Holy Family Religious Goods
Albuquerque, NM 87114
Phone: 505.898.4659
Fax: 505.898.4665
Email: holyfamilyabq@msn.com
Contact: Deacon Roger Ayers
M.E. Burgess
Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315.498.4256
Fax: 315.498.9604
Contact: Kathy Burgess
Marcel Martino Altar Wines
Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
Phone: 914.664.6500
Fax: 914.664.6576
Contact: Patricia Grisanti
Parent company is Cannon Brothers, PA.If you require immediate attention and are unable to contact Marcel Martino, call Cannon Brothers at 1.800.822.6353 and someone will assist you.
Grant T. Orr
Phone: 1.800.371.0409
Contact: Mr. Grant Orr
Johnson Brothers of NC – Mutual Distributing of NC
Raleigh, NC 27604
Phone: 919.828.3842
Fax: 919.832.2813
Contact: Customer Service Department
Hurley’s Religious Goods
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: 701.232.4718
Fax: 701.232.2993
Contact: Mr. Mark McAllister
A.I. Root Company
Medina, OH 44258
Phone: 800.289.7668 Option
#6 Customer Service
Fax: 330.725.5624
John A. Reger Company
Toledo, OH 43623
Phone: 419.474.4740
Fax: 419.474.4750
Email: regers@regers.com
Contact: Mr. Joe Holmes
McKay’s Church Goods
(distributed through Eastern Oil Corp)
Cleveland, OH 44103
Phone: 330.487.1134
Fax: 216.431.7531
Contact: Maureen Konya
Toll-free: 1.800.228.9333
Trinity Church Supply
Cincinnati, OH 45247
Phone: 513.471.6626
Fax: 513.471.6091
Email: customerservice@trinitychurchsupply.
Contact: Robert Klopp
Also Servicing IN & KY
Portland Candle
Phone: 360-909-9498
Email: annemarie@portlandcandle.com
Contact: Annemarie Ryan
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: sales@reillyschurchsup.com
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing AK, CA, ID, MT, UT, WA, WY
Cannon Brothers
Scranton, PA 18505
Phone: 1.800.822.6353
Fax: 570.346.0501
Contact: Mr. Paul Byrne
Largest distributor in PA covering all areas.
Eastern Oil Corporation
Bridgeville, PA 15017
Phone: 412.221.2911
Fax: 412.221.2911
Contact: Ms. Kim Fowler
DiCocco Family’s St. Jude Shop
Havertown, PA 19083
Phone: 800.523.7604
Fax: 610.853.2611
Contact: Robert DiCocco
A.T. Merhaut Inc.
4684 William Flynn Hwy.
Allison Park, PA 15101
Phone: 1-800-510-7530
Email: info@merhaut.com
Contact Tom Merhaut or Adam Miller
Grant T. Orr
Phone: 1.800.371.0409
Contact: Mr. Grant Orr
Hurley’s Religious Goods
Fargo, ND 58103
Phone: 701.232.4718
Fax: 701.232.2993
Contact: Mr. Mark McAllister
Athens Distributing Company
Antioch, TN 37013
Phone: 615.254.0101
Contact: Mr. Bill Hobbs
Empire Distributing of Tennessee
Phone: 865.313.2307
Contact: Keith Williams, Office Manager
Airco Wine Company
San Antonio, TX 78204
Phone: 800.926.1454
Fax: 210.224.9316
Contact: Tina Neish
Contact Airco for a list of state
representatives and their respective
areas of distribution for
Mont La Salle Altar Wines.
Gerken’s Church Supply
Denver, CO 80214
Phone: 800-437-5367 (1-800-GERKENS)
Phone: 303.534.8233
Fax: 303.534.5189
Contact: Mr. Ray Gerken
Also Servicing CO & WY
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: sales@reillyschurchsup.com
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing AK, CA, ID, MT, OR,
Andrew Lane Co., Inc.
Peabody, MA 01960
Phone: 978.532.2050
Fax: 978.532.3607
Email: sales@andrewlane.com
Contact: Andy Lane
Also Servicing CT, MA, ME & NH
Patrick Baker & Sons
Southington, CT 06489
Phone: 860.628.5566
Phone: 800-243-6385
Fax: 860.276-9438
Email: easyorder@PatrickBaker.com
Contact: Mary Threlkeld, Maureen Kelly
Coverage: Most of Northeast
Grant T. Orr
Phone: 1.800.371.0409
Contact: Mr. Grant Orr
Peter Munley Church Goods
Vienna, VA 22182
Phone: 703.442.9477
Fax: 703.442.9478
Contact: Mr. Peter Munley
Kaufer Religious Supplies
Seattle, WA 98109
Phone: 206.622.3100
Fax: 206.622.7806
Contact: Mr. Jim Sinclair
Also servicing AK, HI & MT
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: sales@reillyschurchsup.com
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing AK, CA, ID, MT, OR, UT, WY
Grant T. Orr Associates
Phone: 1.800.371.0409
Contact: Mr. Grant Orr
Dewitt Church Goods, Inc.
1050 Glory Road Suite C.
Green Bay, WI 54304
Phone: 920.336.9779
Fax: 815.346.2488
Email: sales@dewittchurchgoods.com
Contact: Mr. Dennis Dewitt
Jandrain Religious Goods
Green Bay, WI 54302
Phone: 920.432.2758
Fax: 920.432.2759
Contact: Mr. Jeff Jandrain
T.H. Stemper Co.
Milwaukee, WI, 53207
Phone: 800.686.3610
Gerken’s Church Supply
Denver, CO 80214
Phone: 800-437-5367 (1-800-GERKENS)
Phone: 303.534.8233
Fax: 303.534.5189
Contact: Mr. Ray Gerken
Also Servicing CO & UT
Reilly’s Church Supply
Boise, ID 83705
Phone: 208.342.1600
Fax: 208.343.2792
Email: reillyschurchsup @qwestoffice.net
Contact: Rebecca Cooper
Also Servicing AK, CA, ID, MT, OR, UT, WA,